Solutions To Eliminate Problem Situations (STEPS)
The Spring Independent School District’s general problem solving process is referred to as “Solutions To Eliminate Problem Situations,” or STEPS. There are policies available on this website for addressing student and parent complaints and public complaints
Public Complaints
Members of the public having complaints regarding the District’s policies, procedures, or operations may present their complaints or concerns to the Board after following the procedure defined in policy.
Policy Online
Student and Parent Complaints / Grievances
In most circumstances in which a complaint involves a problem with a staff member, the student or parent shall be expected to discuss the matter with the staff member before requesting a conference with the principal. Before initiating a formal complaint under this policy, students or parents are encouraged to resolve concerns by scheduling an informal conference with the principal or other appropriate administrator. Announcement of a decision in the student’s or parent’s presence shall constitute communication of the decision. However, if the informal conference does not resolve the issue, then the formal complaint process should be initiated.
Policy Online